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Day #84: Loving Lately

I love making things. I mostly make jewelry, but I also dabble in cross-stitching, scrapbooking and other random crafts. Lately, I have been working on felt projects and trying to come up with some cutesy things for my Etsy shop. Until then, however, I have stalking other people's shops and have found that I love felt birds.

This strange because I hate real birds. Don't get me wrong, birds are pretty from far away, but if one flies towards my head I am hitting the ground. Screaming. Anyways, here is what I am loving lately:

Aren't they cute? I wish I was good enough to make this stuff! I will keep practicing, see what I can come up with!

What are you loving lately?? Link Up:

Until tomorrow,

Big, Beautiful & Broke... Chelsea


  1. Me too! I like birds from afar but not up close. The kids like going to feed the seagulls down by the lake and it's coo, as long as I don't have to get too close.

  2. The birds in #2 are sooo adorable! Thanks so much for linking up with us! Happy Tuesday!!

  3. The felt birds are super cute. I wish I was a crafty lady but I just dont' have the skill!

    Thanks for following, I'm following you back here :)

  4. i'm loving the weather! i wish i was so crafty!! dang! found and following via the blog hop! :)


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