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Day #90: Spam Mail

Have you ever taken the time to read the subjects of your spam mail? It's kind of interesting.

Need 1000 dollars by tomorrow? That would be nice, actually, thank-you spam mail.

Woman is 53 but looks 23. See how she did it. Uhm, does it involve gross plastic surgeries, botox or an alien invading her body? No, thanks spam mail.

Take classes online, Thanks for looking out spam mail, but I already am. BOOM!

cmanzullo SOMEONE NEAR YOU has sent you an AMAZING CAR DEAL! Are you Santa Claus, spam mail?

Find the largest database of singles over 50. Thanks, but I'm married and even if I wasn't, I am in my twenties. Thanks but NO thanks, spam mail.

Very strange the things that come to my spam box. At least there were no penis enlargement e-mails...considering, I'm a female. I did also receive two e-mails for "Married but lonely wives". A few others called me "Carmela" in the subject, which isn't even close to my name, unless you count that it starts with a C and ends with an A. 

I had a very emotional day at work yesterday. My mind is mush and as such, this was the post the evolved. Don't judge me. Please?


Until tomorrow,

Big, beautiful & broke... Chelsea


  1. Lol! So fun reading your 'replies' to those spam mails. Found you via Passion Fruit Ads ;)

  2. I've never sat there and really read the titles of spam. Next time I should!

  3. LOL love this :)

    new follower from the GFC Collective!

  4. Bwhahahaha!! Thats too funny!! I always delete those.

  5. Haha! Spam mail drives me insane!! Thank goodness my spam filter is awesome! It is too awesome'll send things that aren't spam to my spam folder!!
    Also, I nominated you for a Liebster Award! You can find all the details on my blog here!

    Leslie @ Sincerely, Leslie

  6. This is actually so funny to read! All of these things are so true! Lol

    The Fashionable ESQ

  7. HAHAAAAAAAAAA this is classic!

    Thanks for YOLOing with us,

  8. Hahaha this is funny! And what is even funnier is the people that respond to them! I was your 100th follower! Woot woot! Found you through the GFC blog hop! Would love for you to visit me and join as well!

  9. Hehe yeah, those spam mail titles are pretty ridic.

    Thank you so much for linking up to the GFC Collective, hope to see you back next week!
    Bre @ Peacoats and Plaid


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