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Day #93.2: Crafty

Guess who is going to the World Series?!?!?! 


I am elated. Tears of joy are streaming down my face. Sounds ridiculous, I know, but it's not just a game to some people. My brother, Brian, posted this on his Facebook the other day. The article rings some of us, it's not just a game. It's life. Read it HERE.


Okay back to business. So, as you know I have been participating in the "October Overhauling" with Amie and friends at the Pinkapotamus (even though she is a Yankees fan...just kidding, Amie!!!) So, week one we cleaned, week two we posted pics of our clean craft room, and now it's time to post pictures of what we created in our clean craft room!

October Overhauling

Detroit Tigers pop top keychains:

Felt Christmas Ornaments

Wooden Snowmen Ornaments

ModPodge letter "C"

No copy-cat closet for me this week. I have been stuck with "the crud" (cough, runny nose, fever, headache, bodyaches...NOT a good time). 

Don't forget to participate in my 100 Follower Giveaway!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Until tomorrow

Big, Beautiful & broke... Chelsea


  1. WOW. You certainly were productive with using up your craft stash. My favorite are your felt Christmas ornaments.

  2. We had dance class last night so I had to record the game but it was fantastic. I agree with the "it's not just a game".
    You have been a busy bee! I love little felt ornaments!

  3. These are awesome! I just adore the snowmen! I made some letters too~
    And by the way, I forgive you for rooting against my Home TEAM! It was soooo disappointing watching them LOSE.. uggh! So glad we can still be friends!
    Amie @ Pinkapotamus

  4. I hope we get to be "friendly" rivals! Go CARDS,!


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