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Day #120: Family Time & Animal Memes

Last night we went out to dinner to celebrate my brother's birthday. He's 26...getting so old!! :) Just kidding baby brother, if you are old...then I am old, since I'm the big sis. It was lots of fun and something my family doesn't get to do very often! 

Yep, that's my family!! We've always been a little strange. My brother and I did have fun looking up fun animal memes on our phones. That inspired my "Oh, how Pinteresting!" post for today.

Linking Up:

Blog-working Wednesday!


  1. HAHA! I've walked in on a few of those. The worst one ever I left and didn't come back until I knew my husband would be home. I told him leave his bathroom door shut!

  2. Stopping by from Oh How all these! Haha. They were definitely a good laugh this morning!

  3. LOL at the cat's friendly pin!!! Funny b/c when I read it, I have a voice inside my head that the cat speaks!

    love your family picture... any time laughing with family is the best!!

    found you from OHP linkup! xo, Bev


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