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High 5 For Friday

Whoa. Two days in a row? That's unheard of anymore. I'm on a break from school so that must be it, right?
It's also been awhile since I participated in one of my favorite link-ups: High Five for Friday. Working a job Monday through Friday it is only natural that Friday is one of my favorite days of the week. Here are my high's for this week.
One. Technically, this was mostly last week but I had an amazing time up north with my hubby!
Two. My aunt was in town from Florida, so I was to spend Monday afternoon with her. Bob and I took her to a great restaurant in Bay City called Real Seafood Company. I had swordfish for the first time and it was delicious!
Three. Miguel Cabrera was re-activated from the DL list. If you're a Detroit Tigers fan, then you appreciate what I am saying here.
Four. My August Pop Sugar Must Have box, Love with Food and Ipsy Glam Bags arrived - woo hoo!!
Five. Found a great deal on a sweater at Torrid. I love a good deal. $70, on sale for $30 - woot!

How was your week??
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Don't forget to link up!

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