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Five-Month Surgiversary

Whoa, Nelly - I am a slacker when it comes to updating this blog. I have been spending the last few months adjusting to my new lifestyle. The last time I checked in I weighed 265 lbs and I am happy to report that I am now around 225-227 lbs. The weight loss has slowed down, but it hasn't stopped and that's what matters. I am able to eat 800-1,000 calories a day which is the goal for now. 

I still suck at not drinking before, during and after meals...but I am getting better at it. I am finding that I don't have much restriction to what I can and can't eat, though I don't push the limits either. I don't test the limits on sugar and therefore, I have not experienced the dread dumping syndrome as of yet. 

I did walk my first 5k this past April. My parents joined me and it was so much fun!!! I hope to do many more and maybe someday, actually be able to run the 5k. I started using the "Couch to 5k" app at the gym and I was able to complete the first week on the treadmill. Now that it's nicer out, I am going to work on this outside...I tried to do it today and ugh, I sucked. Running outside, way harder than on a treadmill. However, it's a work in progress. 

My mom, me and my dad before the race

Dad, mom and I after the race - woot woot, we did it! And we weren't last!

Photo Credit:, Jeff Schrier
Also, more exciting news - Bob graduated from nursing school!!! He was working towards this for 5 years, so it's a huge relief for both of us that he is done. Now he is just waiting to take his boards and find a job in his new career. Life is good, friends, life is good.

Surgery 12/8/2015
Highest weight (HW): 310 lbs
Surgery Weight (SW): 290 lbs
Current Weight (CW): 227.8 lbs
Goal Weight (GW): 175 lbs (first goal)
 photo signature_zpsb79c2af6.jpg

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