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Day #35: Benadryl Coma.

These past 2 weeks off from school have been awesome. Being able to clean and blog and not feel guilty for doing homework is very nice. I really enjoy this whole blogging business. It is fun and it's a fun outlet, that keeps me from spending money. I decided to stick with blogger, instead of tumblr. I love tumblr however, and will continue to use it for small blurbs and pictures and whatnot. I am still trying to find a good tumblr widget. Suggestions?

Anyways, sorry for all the confusion and switching around. Now that I am back to blogger and figuring it out how to use it, I want to start building up my blog network. Also, I want to continue coming up with blog features. 

I'm pretty tired. I took Benadryl to help me sleep tonight and I'm not playing russian roulette, trying to write this entry before I either fall asleep mid-entry, or begin not making sense. Whichever happens first. I work the next 2 days, then off for 3! 

This is my thought for the day. I learned some things recently that have hurt me, especially regarding trust among people who I thought were my friends. I'm trying to shrug it off, move forward and just keep being "me". 

My Benadryl coma is about to commence. G'night!

Until tomorrow,

Big, Beautiful & Broke... Chelsea


  1. Benadryl would have probably put me out even faster than that! And blogging IS fun, and definitely a cheaper hobby than most!

  2. I was surprised actually, how long I managed to fight off the Benadryl coma!


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