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Day #37: Webpage Make-overs

Today turned into a fairly unexpected day. I woke up to go to work, I got ready and I even worked an hour (yes, I know, a whole hour!) feeling absolutely fine. Around 8 am, I suddenly got super dizzy and felt like I was drunk. I couldn't walk straight. I was dizzy. But I otherwise, felt fine. 

Now, I can't lie. I freaked out. I'm a nurse so naturally, I assume the worst is happening. "I'm have a stroke." "I have a brain tumor." "Holy shit, I'm dying." 

Of course, now of the above thoughts proved true, although my dizziness did NOT get better as my anxieties caused my blood pressure to rise and my heart to race. 

Once I calmed down (after my co-workers made me get checked out) everything returned to normal. All of my tests were normal and most likely, I have an inner ear infection or fluid on my inner ear causing my balance to be off. Hubby has been laughing at me, as I appear drunk, while walking around. 

Will & Butterscotch are besties!

At any rate, I ended up with an unexpected day off. I came home, laid on the couch for awhile, eventually taking a nap. I did wake up during the 8th inning of the Tigers game to finish what ended up being a GREAT game!

I also, as you can see, changed the blog a little bit again. Bare with me, as I continue to play with my computer programs and learn how to make graphics. I will probably change things...a lot until I find something I love. Thanks to all you faithful's out there.

The Etsy shop also received a much needed make-over. Check it out here: Chelsea Cecelia Creations
Not only did it receive a make-over, I also added new items. Please go and enjoy!

Getting creative at my desk!
I have the next 3 days off. What other projects will I come up with?

Until tomorrow,

Big, Beautiful & Broke... Chelsea


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