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Day #76: September Goals...Epic Fail.

So, at the beginning of each month I have been posting a wish list and goals. If I reach my goals, then I can buy one item from my wish list. Well, for September, I failed miserably. To view my September goals and wish list, click here. But alas, I must keep on keepin' on. 

Or something.

Anyways, onward with the October Wish-list:

One: Lovely Patch Pullover from Forever 21. I can't believe it took me until this week to discover that Forever 21 has a plus size section. Winning!

Two: Star Charm Necklace from Boticca. Super cute!

Three: I am still lusting over these cobalt suede booties from Torrid. And this month they are $20 cheaper. Winning again!

Four: Bvlgari Mon Jasmine perfume. I got a sample in my Birchbox and now I want the giant bottle.

Five: Dexter Wedge Pumps from Payless. They appear to be comfortable, as well as super cute.

September's goals were:
1. Begin training for next year's Warrior Dash. This means going to the gym at least 3 times a week to start with. I plan on using the couch to 5K program.
2. Save $100 from each paycheck, putting money into savings account.
3. Stick to a cleaning schedule for at least one week. Since, I haven't done that yet. Ugh.

Maybe I am setting the bar too high. I definitely never went to the gym one time. Okay, once, but that was when I went to the YMCA and cancelled my membership. Planet Fitness is cheaper and thus, I now have a membership there. 

Second, I saved $50 from each paycheck, not $100. Perhaps, I should have started lower.

Three, cleaning schedule? Ha. That is hilarious. Obviously I am making progress? Okay, here are October's goals:

1. Seriously, go to the gym. At least twice this month. At least START going. Let's start small here.

2. Read the book "The Fred Factor". My mom has been on me. Seriously, it's like a 100 pages...this should be doable.

3. Make more items for my Etsy shop.

4. Continue to save $50 from each check.

Okay, well, here's to October!!!


Until tomorrow,

Big, beautiful & broke... Chelsea

PS Guess who is 3 games ahead with 3 games to go? Detroit Tigers, that's who!



  1. $50 a paycheck is awesome! Any savings is better than none! Keep it up!


  2. At $20 those shoes are a steal!


  3. Great job on saving anything! That's forward progress. As for the gym, have you considered group classes? Way more fun and more accountability... They are really are better than going alone

  4. That's great that you're trying to save money!

    I love the gym and found that sometimes having an accountability partner made it easier to go. Once I got into my groove of going, it was addicting and I no longer WANTED to go with anyone. Not like anyone would though. I was going for two hours Ha!

    Found you from the linkup. Newest follower!


  5. First time follower through the hop.

    It's good to have a plan! You made me laugh about going to the gym once and it was to cancel your membership (I think that one should count).

  6. I have those wedges in patent! I wore them standing for 4 hours and I got blisters. But I'm sure if you weren't actually on your feet for hours straight they'd be fine.

    Good luck with your goals!

  7. Such a fabulous idea! At least you are setting goals! I am in love with those cobalt booties...just gorgeous! And the wedges...yes please!

  8. going to the gym is also my "never accomplished" goal. Maybe i should try your idea, giving reward to myself.



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