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Day #116: Make-Up

I just want to say that I have amazing people in my life. I have a very supportive husband, parents, brother and friends. It's no secret that I have been struggling this past year with lots of different things, hence, I started this blog. It has become my outlet and I have met lots of great people along the way. I am so grateful for all of your support through this time. I have had people reach out to me in ways I never could have dreamed. You know who you are, and I once again, thank-you!

Also, my mom, who knows I have been trying not to spend money surprised me today with some make-up. I love all things girly and even though I probably don't need make-up, I loved the surprise and will definitely use it! It came with a set of eyeshadow, blush, bronzer and 3 shades of lip gloss.

I still maintain I suck at doing my make-up, but I love having lots of it to play with! Thanks Mom :)

I am also not great at the whole "contouring" your face thing. I have many pins regarding this and try as I might, I still don't think I quite get it. I have watched many YouTube videos regarding this. And pinned many tutorials.

Anyways, back to watching the Princess Diaries. 

Try not to judge me :)

Also, check out this awesome giveaway from Nicole @ This Is the True Story!! Click Here.


Birthday Giveaway @ Yellow Umbrella


  1. What a sweet little gift to make your day brighter! That's such a blessing.

  2. Thats an awesome gift! I would love to play with all the pretty colors!

  3. Eeek what a cool mom you have! Highlight and contour techniques come with lots of practice. you will get it. :) enjoy your pretty palette! Xx


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