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Day #117: Sunday Social + Shopping!

Well, I made it through night shift last night. I only slept until noon-ish, which isn't too bad. Now I work at my normal 7am, sooooo I took benadryl to aide me in getting back on track. I went "shopping" with Sheri today. By shopping I mean, I went with her and watched her spend money while my frugal-self searched for clearance items. I did find the kids some nice stocking stuffers  at Target.

I love Target.

Sheri, being...strange.

Target has Ugly Sweater ornaments. LOVE it! 

Time for Sunday Social!

Sunday Social

Favorite Thanksgiving Memory: I don't have one in particular, but every holiday I always color with my cousins kids. It's tradition now!

Favorite Thanksgiving Food: Turkey. 100%.

What is a Thanksgiving Tradition you and your family have?: Dinner + Football + Nap

Show us a favorite Thanksgiving picture(or 5) from years past

Sadly these are couple of the only pics I can find! I know I have more, just don't know where!

What are you most looking forward to about this Thanksgiving? Not having to work and being able to be with my family!!

Linking Up:

The Things We Find Inside


  1. I would have to agree that Target is one of the best stores around!

    Stopping by from the Sunday Social! :)

  2. I love Target! They have some amazing holiday stuff this year!! (:


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