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StitchFix #1 Review

Gosh, I really suck at this blogging thing. It's been a long time but life gets busy, so I don't feel that bad...but thanks to those who have stuck with me!! 
Recently a friend of mine introduced me to Stitch Fix. I received my first box yesterday and today on a whim, decided to blog about it. I don't have pictures of me in all of the items, so I will try to be better at taking pictures with my next fix.
Stitch Fix is a personal styling service that you can sign up for online or through an app, which is what I did. It was fun and easy! You fill out a style profile - I highly recommend linking a Pinterest style board, which is what I did. This allows the stylist who is assigned to your fix to really see what your sense of style is without meeting or talking to you. You also get a chance to ask for items that interest you. Anyways, the stylist will "create your fix" and you will receive 5 items. You have 3 business days to review, try on and decide which items you'd like to keep or send back. 
The styling fee is $20, which you can use towards any items that you purchase. If you purchase all 5 items from the fix, then you also get 25% off - but only if you buy ALL five items. A prepaid envelope is included to send the items back that you don't want to purchase.
Here's my first fix:

So, I didn't have the forethought to take pictures of the items I tried on and didn't keep. Yes, I suck at this blogging thing. I will get better. I promise. 

So, I ended up keeping one sweater and a scarf. The sweater was so soft and comfy. And it has elbow patches. Who doesn't LOVE elbow patches?!?!

So, I have to say - I love StitchFix. My stylist knocked my first box out of the park. I really loved everything in the box but due to budget considerations, I did not purchase all 5 items. I can't wait for my second and third and fourth and fifth...(etc, you get the picture) boxes!! 

Want to try StitchFix?? Click this link!

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1 comment:

  1. Seems like a new place to check out.So glad to see you doing so well .


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