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I'm still here - promise!

Man. Life gets busy and before you know sooooo much time has passed!!! It feels like yesterday I posted and actually, it's been over a month. Like...March is half over. WHAT?!?!?! 

I did eventually get over my cold. It took a long time. It was horrible. First respiratory. Then GI. Then respiratory again. Terrible.

I didn't set any February or March goals. Mostly to just get back into a routine and feel better. Fair enough, right?

Okay, so the BIG announcement I was talking mom and I decided to become LuLaRoe independent retailers!!!! We are so excited! We received our inventory at the end of February and have begun selling. So, please feel free to join our VIP shopping page:

We would love to have you!!! I will be devoting a lot of time to get this up and running, so I apologize if I'm not around as much! :) 

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